Lighting up the NOW with Dialectic Inquiry
Every once in a while, I hear someone put a couple of words together in describing their experience that really grabs my attention. So it was a few weeks ago when someone used the phrase – incandescent reciprocity – to describe part of the dynamic relationship between their perception and what was being perceived. What a beautiful, poetic and accurate description.
For me, this phrase speaks directly to the magic and power of dialectic inquiry.
Dialectic inquiry is a process of exploration where two or more people are exploring their present experience or something of interest, like awareness, will, joy… The process engages whole mind/body/heart/soul. Preeminent in the dialectic inquiry process is the inclusion of one’s present experience into the field of the inquiry. Including one’s emotional responses, sensations, arising thoughts and images to the field of inquiry helps to broaden the scope and richness of the inquiry and makes it much more potent than intellectual bantering.
When the dialectic inquiry really starts to take on a life of it’s own, the participants can easily find themselves in ‘incandescent reciprocity’, sharing the light of truth and discovery.