The Redemption of Point Eight
Years ago, I submitted an article to the Enneagram Monthly on point eight. Recently, someone asked me about my enneagram fixation (point 8 ) and I thought it might be interesting to post this article on enneagram point eight on this blog.
Shortly after the article appeared in the Enneagram Monthly, a man (point 8 ) from Atlanta emailed me to say that he started reading the article at work and had to go into his office and close the door for privacy. The article brought a rush of emotion and tears to him as it touched something deep in him.
Perhaps it will serve other 8’s on the enneagram, perhaps it needs updating or critique. You tell me.
Footsteps on the Path to the Pearl Beyond Price
I have lived most of my life under the delusion of point eight.
I would like to share some of my experience and journey toward becoming a human being. I want to talk about the enneagram – how it’s been useful and how I see it being used to perpetuate the incarceration of the soul. I want to address compassion, humanness & vulnerability, integrity, and the Pearl Beyond Price (personal essence).
Read the full article – The Redemption of Point Eight