What is suchness?

Suchnessas it is. The flower as a flower.

Almost everyone believes they see the flower as it is, but in fact there is very little perceived by the normal mind that is appearing in suchness. This is due to all the filters, projections and reification happening from the normal everyday mind.

Suchness is seeing things free from all of this. Perceiving from this place of freedom – everything radiates light and being. Living presence pervades the perceiving consciousness.

Suchness is simplicity itself – nothing added. It is very difficult to imagine the radical shift sihft in perception required to experience suchness.

Who we take ourselves to be is far from suchness. Our normal experience of self is similar to a sticky piece of candy that has been rolled around a carpet for a couple of years – so covered with obscurring material we can’t even recognize it as candy. But this is not what we belive – of course I see you, know you – you’re…

And that you that we see is lightyears from suchness.

