The inner journey home is the manifest destiny of the soul, and the enlightenment drive is its dynamic force.
“Manifest destiny” is a term that refers to the belief held by many 19th-century Americans that it was their God-given right to expand the boundaries of the United States from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Manifest destiny is based on two key concepts: “manifest” and “destiny.”
“Manifest” means to make something clear or obvious, to reveal or to display. In the context of manifest destiny, it refers to the belief that it was clear and obvious that the United States was destined to expand its borders from coast to coast.
“Destiny” refers to the idea that a higher power predetermines events and that certain things are fated to happen. In the context of manifest destiny, it refers to the belief that it was the destiny of the United States to expand its territory and influence across North America.
The concept of manifest destiny embodied the spirit of the American people in the 19th century, who saw themselves as chosen people with a divine mission to spread American civilization and values to the rest of the continent. It was seen as a way to bring democracy, Christianity, and prosperity to the land and to extend the reach of the United States across the continent.
However, manifest destiny was also used to justify the annexation of new territories and the displacement and exploitation of indigenous peoples, leading to significant conflict and tension throughout the 19th century.
The manifest destiny of self-realization
In this post, we explore the connection between manifest destiny and the path of self-realization or enlightenment. The Diamond Approach is a spiritual path emphasizing self-discovery and integrating different aspects of the self. It provides a useful framework for exploring this connection.
At the core of the Diamond Approach is the idea that each person has a unique and essential nature obscured by conditioning, beliefs, and other psychological and social factors. Self-realization involves uncovering and integrating these different aspects of the self, leading to a deeper understanding of one’s true nature and a greater sense of wholeness and fulfillment.
One way of understanding this process is as a journey home, in which the individual returns to their essential nature or divine origin. In this sense, the path of self-realization can manifest the soul’s (individual consciousness) destiny to awaken to reality and return home (its unconditioned state).

This concept of manifest destiny is particularly relevant in nondual spirituality, which emphasizes all things’ underlying unity and interconnectedness. Nonduality suggests that the separation between self and other, subject and object, is illusory and that the true nature of reality is undivided and indivisible.
In this context, the path of self-realization can be seen as a journey of integration and unification, in which the individual overcomes the illusions of separation and moves towards a deeper understanding of their true nature as part of the whole.
Manifest destiny can also be seen as a call to action, inviting individuals to take an active role in their self-discovery and in the larger unfolding of reality. This involves a sense of purpose and direction and a willingness to explore and engage with the challenges and opportunities that arise along the way.
It is important to approach the concept of manifest destiny with humility and caution, recognizing that the path of self-realization is not a one-size-fits-all solution and that each individual’s journey will be unique and multifaceted.
The concept of manifest destiny can be a useful framework for understanding the path of self-realization and enlightenment, particularly in nondual spirituality and the Diamond Approach. The journey of self-discovery and realization is a deeply personal and complex process that requires patience, persistence, and compassion.

The Enlightenment Drive
A. H. Almaas, the founder of the Diamond Approach to Self-realization, suggests a fourth drive in human beings that he calls the “enlightenment drive.” This drive is the dynamic force behind the soul’s journey home, aligning with its manifest destiny.
According to Almaas, the enlightenment drive is the innate human desire to know the truth, to understand the nature of reality, and to experience the highest levels of consciousness. This drive is distinct from Freud’s three drives of survival, sexual, and social, and is considered a more profound and universal drive that underlies all human action and motivation.
In manifest destiny, the enlightenment drive can be seen as the force that propels the soul on its journey home. It is the impulse that draws the individual towards realizing their true nature and integrating all aspects of the self.
The path of self-realization involves a deep exploration of the different dimensions of the self, including the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. This process is fueled by the enlightenment drive, which motivates the individual to move beyond the ego’s illusions and towards a more expansive and profound understanding of reality.
In this sense, manifest destiny is the recognition that the soul’s destiny is to awaken to its true nature, return home, and realize the inherent unity of all things.
Take note that the journey of self-realization is not a linear or straightforward process. It involves facing and integrating many aspects of the self and navigating the challenges of the journey and everyday life.
It is important to approach the concept of the soul’s manifest destiny with a critical eye and to recognize that the journey of self-realization is a complex and multifaceted process that requires deep inner work and a willingness to face profound periods of not-knowing.