Critical Bitching from Pocket Parents

pocket_parent_criticYears ago, when visiting friends in Boston, I wandered into a toy store and found a set of “pocket parents.” Each pocket parent was about the size of a pack of cigarettes and came with five buttons, but no battery.

With the battery installed, I could push a button on “Mom” and hear “You’ll put your eye out with that!” in a screeching voice reminiscent of George Castanza’s mother. Or I could pull out “Dad” and hear “I’ll give you something to cry about!”

Each parent had four bitches most of us heard thousands of times in childhood. If  I really wanted a blast from the past, I could push the 5th button and get a litany of reprimands.

I purchased those pocket parents to use as teaching aids in some of the work I do with the superego. A little levity can go a long way in making a point while keeping things from becoming too heavy and depressing – an easy rut to fall into when working with the inner critic.

A quick search on Google failed to lead me to replacements for my vanished pocket parents – I think they missed the move to California from Utah a couple of years ago.

If you happen to locate a set of pocket parents, let me know – I’d love another set.

Disengaging from the superego is some of the most beneficial work we can do. How’s your superego work going?

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