Is permissive parenting responsible for the January 6 insurrection?
Are Baby Boomers responsible for the collapse of civility or was it the television?
Unless the early-development narcissism is eventually disrupted, children continue to feel like the world revolves around them and become narcissistic adults. Parental boundaries allow children to grow up, to understand they can’t always get their way, to be more patient and mature
We seem to have gone from the greatest generation to a country that is a hybrid Gong Show, WWE, Twilight Zone and All the Nasty You can Get for a Buck. How did we get here?
As I sit listening to my neighbors yell at, and threaten their children with consequences that never materialize, my thoughts go to the consequences of a lack of healthy boundaries during childhood.

Is it possible that all that free love, weed, and psychedelics that led to children named Rosebud and Sky Captain also contributed to the downfall of civilization?
While we were shuffling between peace marches and Woodstock, did our free-from-accountability parenting set in motion the end of democracy?
It’s Thursday afternoon. California is is turning into charcoal, the New York subway is the latest remake of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and the bible-belt is now the covid-belt-you-in-the-mouth belt.
I’m just wondering – where did it all begin?