Violence & Ennegram Personality Types
WAKE UP! To The Subtle Violence of Personality A friend (point 8) commented to me once about “the bad rap eights get”. This was in response to an article on…
WAKE UP! To The Subtle Violence of Personality A friend (point 8) commented to me once about “the bad rap eights get”. This was in response to an article on…
I’m still reading Your Soul’s Compass and came across a paragraph I just have to share – Seeking spiritual guidance is often misunderstood as consulting a cosmic Dear Abby or…
Googling – Inner Journey – I see in the search results many people offering inner journey newsletters and inner journey workshops, but in the descriptions, I see very little that…
Narcissistic injury is one of those loaded psychological terms. In fact, all things narcissistic seem to be. I think that is because the word narcissism or narcissistic is generally used…
Many spiritual teachings pick on the instincts equating them with temptation and “the Devil’s work.” The instincts are seen as antithetical to spiritual development and enlightenment. In non-dual awareness, one…
True understanding has to do with transformation. If there is no transformation at the moment of understanding, then there is no real understanding . – A.H. Almaas Last night, I…
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